The Fusion of Two Farms

by | Aug 26, 2024 | Blog, Vendors | 0 comments

Three years ago, I had the privilege of helping Joe and Rachel Riley purchase their dream property, Quail Run Farm. During this process, we discovered a shared passion for farming and a deep connection to our ranching heritage. My roots trace back to the plains of Dakota, where my family has a rich history in ranching, while Joe and Rachel from Tennessee, both raised with farming in their blood.

As neighbors, we naturally began to collaborate, sharing feed runs for Resca feed,a local all natural Georgia mill and coordinating butcher schedules, embodying the spirit of neighborly support we were both raised with. We often met to work on our Red Wattle genetic program and discuss best practices for managing poultry, always striving to improve our farming methods together.

When a family member of mine was diagnosed with cancer, I knew the coming year would be challenging. So, I reached out to Joe and Rachel with a proposal: to merge our two farms at Quail Run. The idea made perfect sense, and thus began a grueling four-month process of integration. We tackled it in stages, first moving the weanling pigs, then the harvest pigs, and finally the breeders. This was particularly significant to me, as I had spent eight years developing my Red Wattle Breeding program. We painstakingly disassembled and reassembled over 300 pig panels during the move.

Next came the transition of our turkeys and our “Chicken Bus” with 80 hens. It was quite a sight to see the Chicken Bus rolling down the road, full of clucking passengers heading to their new home. With that, Land to Table and Quail Run were officially united. We continue to meet regularly, and I’m often found tending to the piglets and new mothers—once a pig midwife, always a pig midwife.

Since the merger, we’ve been working diligently to expand Quail Run’s range of naturally raised proteins on over 100 acres of pasture. Quail Run has now become the primary farm, offering a variety of experiences, from farm tours to farmcations, farm fit programs, and even an Outdoor School. Meanwhile, Land to Table has focused on supporting my recovering family member and allowing the land to rest.

We’ve shifted our attention to our thriving duck population, providing all-natural organic duck eggs on a weekly basis. We’ve also expanded our farmcation program and are exploring the idea of offering healthy retreats for those seeking a peaceful escape from life’s chaos.

I’m incredibly grateful for this amazing farm family and hope you’ll join us in embracing our commitment to providing the highest quality of locally sourced protein, as well as other specialty products like honey. We are rolling out our “Farm Buck Program” to give those frequent shoppers more benefits. We also have Fall Wholesale Pigs available to stock up your freezer for the holidays either a half or whole pig with custom cuts designed for your family. In addition, we will be hosting at Quail Run Farm a September 16th Concert geared for the entire family.

–Grace Frank



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