Food as a Verb Wants to be Your Farmers’ Media
For more than a decade, I worked in a newsroom; during that time, we published thousands of stories, the result of daily editorial decisions on what to cover and pay attention to and what to ignore.
Politics, crime and sports got tremendous and regular attention.
Farming, agriculture and crops got little to none.
Why not?
When the media – national and local – places repeated attention on a topic, it grants it a supposed legitimacy and sends a not-so subtle message: we cover what’s important. The Kardashians are important. But farming is not.
I want to change that.
Earlier this year, my partners and I launched Food as a Verb, a website, email newsletter, social media and (soon) podcast all designed to tell the stories of regional + local food.
See for yourself: visit and subscribe with an email. It’s completely free and our features and profiles arrive in your inbox every Wednesday and Sunday morning.
Food as a Verb is shifting attention back to the land, farms and restaurants, spotlighting the stories that create our local food landscape. Additionally, in these chaotic times, we are offering media that is wholesome, beautiful and inviting.
By telling such stories, we dignify the people, resources and artistry that can strengthen, secure and heal so many regional problems. Ultimately, our work should benefit your work. Beautiful, thoughtful writing and captivatingly gorgeous photography that focus on local chefs, farmers and farms are works of joy and delight. It is healing for all involved.
Ours is not a restaurant review guide, cheaply written and quickly forgotten. This is not a travel guide, only designed for industry dollars. This is a meaningful, literary, spiritual, agrarian and complex celebration of local food intended for readers from Red Bank to Sewanee to Dahlonega.
Last week, we guest vended at the market, where I’ve been shopping for years. Some of you I know. All of you I hope to know.
We’ve published stories on Alysia and Bird Fork, the Keeners and the guys from Midway Mushrooms. We’re scheduled to visit Circle S, Fresh Tech, and Hissing Possum this winter and spring.
We’d love to come visit your farm, as well.
Please visit us online here – – and subscribe with your email. It’s completely free. Twice a week, we’ll send your inbox a beautiful, relevant profile or feature, all focusing on one aspect of our local food economy.
If you have a story to tell, we’d love to know.
We intend this to change the way readers see, think about and experience food, eventually influencing policy makers and their budgets, from government to schools to health care to churches.
We’d love your support and feedback. Keep us honest. Pitch us stories. Tell others. Give us ideas on how we can continue to deepen Chattanooga’s relationship with local food, farms and restaurants.
Thank you for all your work. We benefit so much from it.
–David Cook on behalf of our Food as a Verb team.

— Photo by Sarah Unger
“We are not separate from nature, we are nature. Healing of the land must include healing of the people.” — Alysia Leon, Bird Fork Farm