Midway All The Way

by | Jun 21, 2021 | Blog, Vendors | 0 comments

I always thought I loved mushrooms but I realized my edible fungi education had been sadly neglected until I moved to Chattanooga and was able to enjoy more than the button-cap or shiitake from the store. I have now realized I am a fan of the Blue Oyster perhaps because of my love for the rock band known for their use of cowbell but any of the varieties that Midway Mushrooms has brought to market the past few weeks have satisfied my taste buds.

They recently posted a picture of their Blue Oyster BBQ as many mushroom varieties are a great meat substitute, with their Lion’s Mane even having a fishy taste and being a great substitute for lobster or any shellfish. Simply sautéed as the main course mixed in with pasta or served as a side with roasted veggies, consuming more locally grown mushrooms is good for any diet.

Located on Leaky Pond Rd. in Sewanee, Midway Mushrooms is a small indoor farm with a state-of-the-art 3200 square foot facility, using a polypropylene bag method to produce a thousand pounds of gourmet mushrooms per week within a climate-controlled indoor environment. They not only harvest mushrooms from within their workspace, they work to keep things interesting with rotating specialty cultivars and seasonal wild-foraged mushrooms so they will be offering others like Chanterelles and Reishi when the season dictates. Side note, the beginning of summer is the time for Chanterelles so you should be seeing those orange beauties popping up.

These guys are excited to provide a much needed item to our market so stop by their booth to talk fungi with some pretty fun guys!



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