Pleased To Be In A Pickle

by | May 16, 2021 | Blog | 0 comments

Pickled Deviled Eggs

This recipe is great because its dairy free and less fat since there is no mayo or other creamy ingredients added, which means you can eat more!

1. Simply slice the amount of pickled eggs you’d like to serve in half and place on a decorative plate. Pop out or scoop out the solid yolk into a medium sized bowl.

2. Slowly add the pickled juice into the yolks, about a quarter cup at a time, until you reach the texture desired. No other ingredient needed necessarily unless you want to change up the flavor a bit. The pickled juice is part vinegar, water, salt and pickling spice so it should lean more towards the salty side therefore you may want to add bolder spices to balance. For instance, crushed black pepper or red pepper may add a kick but I usually serve it just as it is. Keep it simple.

3. I use a spoon to blend the yolks and pickled juice together and get out the clumps but you may find another kitchen tool works better.

4. I also use a spoon because I hate dishes and want minimal to wash therefore the spoon then doubles as the scooper. Scoop the creamy yolks into the halved beautifully colored pickled eggs.

5. Garnish with any contrasting seasoning– crushed black or red pepper, Old Bay, paprika. Or again, add nothing and keep it simple. Let the pickled eggs do the wowsing for you.

Food For Thought
When the thought of pickling eggs came across my mind, I said to myself– “these belong in backwoods bars or in gas stations, not on my market table or in my daily diet.” But with a surplus of eggs available due to increased covid backyard chicks (yes, they are almost as popular as covid gardens and now those chicks are laying ), I found myself with sixty dozen unsold eggs at the end of multiple markets. I researched waxing eggs, egg powder, custard, cured yolks, and more but nothing seemed more appealing than the pickled eggs. At first, I used my Original picking recipe that I use to sell my popular pickled okra (using Riverview Farms Milling okra and garlic). I called my aunt who had a beet recipe from back before I was born. I had a stockpile of brown mustard so created my own Mustard Turmeric to make it the boldest, brightest yellow egg. And almost six months later, I now have customers requesting spicy so this week I launch Srira-Cha-Cha-Cha.

Going back to the effects of covid on agriculture, not only were there more gardens and backyard chickens but not folks did not know what to do with their surplus of products. Therefore I began teaching canning classes at Crabtree Farms last year and at my own outdoor kitchen this year. The Canning 101 classes cover water bath canning (pickled, tomatoes, apples, etc), touches on quick pickling, pressure canning, and some other techniques including my recipes. Here’s the next Canning Class 101 info if you and a friend are interested in getting into a jam…or a pickle…or canning it 😉



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