Don’t Have A Cow…or Do!

by | Sep 28, 2020 | Vendors | 0 comments

As you don’t get to see their faces at the market too often, we wanted to send some smiles from Ben & Joanna Bleasdale of Orchard House Creamery in Spencer, TN! This will be their ninth year vending at the market and this fun photo was taken way early on as it was from the first time they milked their first dairy cow Darcy almost ten years ago.

As Ben’s parents, Brad and Dana Bleasdale began their raw goat milk farm in 2009, Ben & Joanna were quickly inspired to become more sustainable and began a raw jersey cow milk herd share on Oct 9th, 2011 (which means they have a business birthday coming up!). Many of us are familiar their wonderful products like raw milk, yogurt and kefir but not many of us know of their grass-fed beef packages too.

Never tried grass fed beef? You don’t have to get a whole cow as they offer 20lb and 40lb packages for $9/lb. With the small sampler 20lbs, you get 5lbs of ground beef, 1-2 steaks, 1 roast and 1 ribs. With the larger sampler of 40lbs, you get 10lbs of ground beef, 2-4 steaks, 1-2 roasts, and 1-2 ribs. But as any dining experience should be an engaging event, maybe partner with family or neighbors to get a better deal and stock your freezer before winter comes. Their larger bulk packages range up to 500lbs (thats a whole cow) and can cost as little as $7 per pound.

In each of the larger bulk packages, you receive ground beef (about 25% of the total is ground beef) along with steaks, roasts, ribs, organ meat/bones, stew meat and brisket. Organ meat cannot be substituted for other cuts but it is generally just a couple of packages of liver and a package of soup bones. Don’t be scared! As I just had my first (and definitely not my last) beef tongue last year, I highly suggest thinking outside the beef box and enjoying all the cuts.



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