Glass Half Full

by | Aug 20, 2019 | Drink, Vendors | 0 comments

As a blinding optimist, I always see the glass as half full but my cup overflowith in regards to the abundant availability of local, sustainable liquids that can take the place of my addictive soda habit. Yes, I call it soda. Working in restaurants most of my life, I have always had the sugary crack on tap and am now working diligently to remove it from my daily diet. Sourcing local food seemed an easier obstacle to overcome than this fluid change that I, and my teeth and my waistline, needed to make.

Kombucha has helped me replace that chemically created, overly commercialized concoction with a healthy probiotic punch! And not just any kombucha, Blue Indian’s specifically. Because I have tried other people’s home brews and none pleased my palate. I like ginger but the others were too spicey. I like vinegar but the others had too much bite. It wasn’t until I ventured to the Main St. Market and was able to try samples of Karen’s fermented tea that I discovered kombucha could be more than a merky mix.

I started slowly with Strawberry Basil and have progressed to love all her flavors with my newest being the Citrus Turmeric. As I tell many a customer, I know Paige is getting tired of hearing me say it, but I sometimes water mine down when I need to get more H20. All the flavors are so versatile and can be mixed with anything. Another favorite liquid gold recipe I have come up with is adding a splash of any flavor to my glass of Sauvignon Blanc. Create a sangria using local grapes, Blue Indian Kombucha and your favorite wine.

Think outside the bottle and don’t forget to bring one to the market! Another reason I love Blue Indian is her refusal to bottle in one time use containers so bring a growler or half gallon mason jar and fill ‘er up!


4 oz Strawberry Margarita Kombucha (or use her new KomBeacha flavor for a more coconutty flavor)

1.5+ oz Blanco Tequila (I prefer El Jimador which means the worker in spanish)

2 oz soda water

Squeeze of lime juice

*Also, here’s an article I wrote on Blue Indian if you’d like to learn more—



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