Salmon Leek No-Tato Soup

by | Feb 27, 2018 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

We’ve had a taste of spring but cold and rainy nights remain in our forecast. Try a creamy soup from market ingredients to chase away some of the chill.

This recipe began, as many do, with ingredients in my refrigerator needing to be used. I love potato leek soup and was interested in trying it out without the white potato. However, I also had some fabulous shiitake mushrooms from Sequatchie Cove Farm that I wanted to use. While poking around the internet I found a mushroom and leek soup, a cauliflower leek soup, a sweet potato leek soup, and a creamy salmon soup. In the interest of taste, and I confess, laziness, I decided to combine a little of all of them. The addition of salmon made this an all in one meal.

A few notes: I kept the mushrooms separate to keep their texture and also satisfy those at my table who do not eat mushrooms (more for me!). Also, I wrote down the quantities I used, but this recipe is flexible. I made it thinking about a traditional creamy potato leek soup, and the quantity of sweet potato and cauliflower I used was with that in mind. The thyme seemed a bit strong while I was first cooking the soup, but, once all the ingredients were added, it was just right. One recipe I looked at used dill in the soup and cilantro as a garnish. Try your favorite combination.

Salmon Leek No-Tato Soup

Serves ~ 6
Inspired by MeatifiedThe Emancipated Epicure, and Eat Drink Paleo


4 small leeks, well washed, cut in half lengthwise, and sliced into half moons
2 cloves garlic, smashed
2 small carrots, chopped
1 stalk celery, chopped
1 sweet potato, peeled and chopped
Medium head of cauliflower, roughly chopped
1 tablespoon fresh thyme leaves
2 tablespoons butter
2-3 cups stock
½ cup cream
½-1 cup milk
~ 1 pound salmon fillet, cut into bite sized pieces
Small bunch of shiitake mushrooms
2 tablespoons butter, sesame oil, or a combination
Salt and Pepper to taste
Something fresh and green for garnish such as fresh herbs or microgreens 

  1. Sauté the leeks in butter for about five minutes. Add the remaining vegetables and the thyme. Sprinkle vegetables with salt. Sauté until beginning to soften. Do not allow to brown.
  2. Meanwhile, sauté mushrooms in oil and/or butter to desired doneness. One recipe suggested making them crispy. I browned mine but kept them chewy. Season to taste and set aside.
  3. When mixed veggies are done add stock needed to cover. Simmer until vegetables are completely soft.  
  4. Add a half cup each milk and cream, then blend with an immersion blender. Add more milk as desired.
  5. Heat until hot, but do not boil. Stir in salmon. It is done as soon as it begins to become opaque, and this will be nearly instantly in hot soup. Remove from the heat, season with salt and pepper to taste, garnish with chopped herbs or microgreens, and serve.

Printable recipe here



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