Photo by Brendan Patrick This week’s recipe comes from one of our newer vendors, Brendan Patrick of Belle Chocolates....
Olive Oil
Her Favorite Meal
Our youngest child is a pretty adventurous eater. I don’t know if it’s just her personality, or because she’s the...
Tomato Pie and a New Blogger!
Friends, I'm excited and sad to announce that I'm going to be passing on my role as blogger; this is my last post for...
Garlic Scape Kombucha Dressing
Garlic scapes are one of the wonderful seasonal items that we’ve seen at the market in recent weeks. I wanted to...
Summer Squash Soup
Before the season changes can be a tough time to cook. The tomatoes are dying off, the fall veggies aren’t coming in...
Too Many Tomatoes?
Is there really such a thing? Maybe you have an assortment from your CSA box or you had to try one of every color and...
Pickled Beet Salad
This salad is fresh and light, with a nice blend of sweet and earthy flavors, bright acidity and tangy richness. You...
Roasted Strawberry & Goat Cheese Ice Cream
Late spring is the time for strawberries, and this ice cream recipe featuring their tart sweetness comes to you just...