I always thought I loved mushrooms but I realized my edible fungi education had been sadly neglected until I moved to...
One Bite Feeds Many
Popping Zebra Cakes like tic tacs is no great feat and eating Little Debbie is supporting local but can we take it up...
Bird Fork Farm Can Be Your New BFF
Recently acquiring land in Dunlap, owners and farmers Alysia and Stephanie use permaculture principles to steward the...
CSA All The Way!
Even though it's winter, most farmers have their heads in spring, planning for a summer bounty. If you have never...
A Fruitful Year
As we approach our last market of 2020, I take a deep sigh of relief and smile that we never closed and were able to...
The Spirit Of The Market
As a food focused market, it throws me off when I see crafts appear at some booths but then I remember its that time...
Alms & Farewell
In 2018, Christine Apthorp started her business Alms & Fare to provide more than food for the belly. She wanted to...
Go With Your Gut
The taste of summer does not have to go away with the longer, warmer days. A rich farm fresh tomato and crisp,...