Spaghetti, macaroni or ramen. All have one thing in common-- a good pasta. Check outĀ this recipe for a...
Main Dish
Brats, Grits, & Collard Greens
Grits and greens, if that doesn't say comfort food of the South then add some cheese to help it all stick to your...
Bertinelli’s Manicotti
Adaās Heritage Farm has a variety of chicken and rabbit sausages - breakfast, chorizo loose or linked, brats, Italian....
āTis The Season for Kebabs
Kebabs are a favorite at my house year-round. Right now vendors at the MSFM have plenty of winter squash, cruciferous...
This & That-A-Touille
I wish I would have been taught in my home economics class the fabulous concoction of Ratatouille instead of the oh so...
Savory & Simple
Savory Oats with brats and chives Serves 2 Ingredients: 2/3 cup oats 1 1/2 cup bone broth Toppings: Bratwurst from...
Stuffed Sweet Tater
Another pretty versatile dish! You can stuff the potatoes with your favorite toppings. Other times Iāve used bacon,...
Cheers To The New Year
We all have rough years. But dang. So with 2020 now in hindsight, let's say nothing but positive things and hope that...