Summer Caprese

by | Jun 1, 2015 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

One of my New Year’s resolutions was to keep things simple. There are few summer meals that are more simple or more delicious than a caprese salad. With tomatoes just coming into season, basil in abundance and temperatures rising, this is the perfect time to skip a hot dinner in favor of a fresh (but still filling) meal.

You can make a slightly fancier version of this with a balsamic vinegar reduction (just simmer a cup of vinegar in an uncovered pan until the volume is reduced by half), but my favorite is the simplest: thick slices of tomato and fresh mozzarella, drizzled with grassy olive oil with a scattering a fresh basil and a sprinkle of flaky sea salt.

Caprese Salad

for each portion

  • 1 medium heirloom tomato, sliced into 1/4″ slices
  • 1 ball of fresh mozzarella (about 3 oz.), sliced 1/4″ slices
  • 10-12 basil leaves
  • 1-2 t. good olive oil
  • a large pinch of flaky sea salt

Arrange alternating slices of tomato and mozzarella on a plate. Drizzle the oil and sprinkle the salt, then tear the basil leaves in half and scatter on the plate.



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